
My Life Head On

Corn Maze

Near by there is a corn maze that I enjoy going to every year.  There are only a few years I have missed out getting to go.  I was introduced to the Richardson Corn Maze in middle school because it was a youth group event.  We went together all through high school.  We always had a good time.

Now I try to get a group together to go every year.  We were finally able to go yesterday and it was a beautiful day for it.  We really had a lot of fun.  I brought Renegade along with Adam and I.  We got to meet up with a good friend of mine and her daughter.  We only did a little part of the maze with them and then went to let her 3 year old play on some of the other activities the adventure farm provides.  As the little one was playing, two of our other friends joined us with their dog. We had a great time watching the little one play and have fun.  Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is amazing.

When my girlfriend and her little girl had to, the rest of us headed into the maze.  We had a good time finding our way through the different parts of the maze.  We got lost a few times, but that is part of the fun of being in a corn maze.

When we finally finished the maze and got our certificates, we treated ourselves to some of the apple cider doughnuts and cider.  It was a beautiful fall day to be outside.  A great way to spend time with the dogs getting exercise and allowing them to be social and explore new places.

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One Response to “Corn Maze”

  1. I just love your post.

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