
My Life Head On

Museum Monday Starts the Week

| August 3, 2011

Well, the weekend was pretty crazy. There was a lot going on and I am glad that it is over. Monday was a great day though. Mom, Joey, and I went down to the city to visit the Field Museum. There was a horse exhibit there that I had been wanting to see. The exhibit […]

Boo to the Weekend

| July 30, 2011

Well, another week has gone by. I did end up going out last Saturday and I am very glad that I did. I had a good relaxing time with close friends. We waited until later in the evening to even head over so that it was just a small group of laid back friends. I […]

I don’t want to be social

| July 23, 2011

I’m not feeling very social today. I just don’t want to be around people. There are a few people I probably could handle in small doses, but all in all I just really don’t want to be around people. I have been brought to the point that I don’t want to get out of bed […]

Hard Day Today

| July 18, 2011

Today was one of those days where I knew I had a lot that I should get done, but I just couldn’t seem to find the motivation to get out of bed. I kept trying to tell myself to keep going and continue on. It’s just was not working today. I did finally pull myself […]


| June 27, 2011

Who is Taylor Mae Stinchcomb? The answer to this question has many answers.  Her short life of just over 15 years has sparked a lot of attention as it came to a very sad end early Tuesday morning June 21, 2011.  She was a force of nature. She lived life to the fullest every second […]


| May 2, 2011

The last few days have brought up a lot of big changes for me.  A lot of new possibilities.  It makes me excited and nervous all at the same time.  I’m not entirely sure where any of this will lead for sure, but I am looking forward to the journey.  It has been some big […]

Time Flies

| April 20, 2011

Well, the past couple months have really flown by.  Things have gotten busy in just about every aspect of life.  Sometimes I feel like things are out of control. Yet, somehow it is still a good thing.  Little by little things seem to be falling into place.  While I often feel rushed or hurried along, […]

Snow Storms, Shovels, Snuggles, and Souffle

| February 8, 2011

Taylor and the boys Taylor trying to help Renegade find his ball Renegade still digging his ball out of the snow Well, a lot has happened since my last post.  I was busy at first watching the house for my parents while they were out of town.  My little sister was also away on a […]

Live With Yourself

| January 21, 2011

Today was a rough day.  Nothing about it was particularly bad, just a day I struggled with all along the way.  I had a fairly restless night followed by having to go into work earlier than I had planned.  I managed to grab myself a sinfully greasy burger and fries on my way to work […]

You Know Who You Are

| January 21, 2011

First off, You wanted to talk to me and not Mallory.  Second, I knew who you were right away.  Third, you have a LOT of misguided ideas about me.  Things were not how you thought they were.  You never gave me a chance. If you had, you would have seen that things were very different […]