Ups and Downs
I had a very interesting day today. I broke my drier/ clipper vac combo unit today and had to groom two border collie shave downs. The clipper vac part seemed to be working just fine, however the drier part was not working hardly at all. I could tell that the connection of the drier hose was loose. It wasn’t until I got it home that I found that the housing of the motor itself where it fans out to the hose had cracked entirely.
It appears that it will require the entire motor to be replaced which will more than likely require ordering one. I do have calls in to a few places to try and track one down. In the mean time we used some epoxy to bond the broken joint together. It looks hopeful, we will find out tomorrow how well it works.
My brother was able to get my new grooming website started and has set to work building it for me. It is pulling together nicely and I am very excited about it. He was also able to get my business cards designed and ordered over the weekend so I should be in excellent shape in the next week or so.
Adam took me to dinner tonight when I was about ready to just shut down. He is so fantastic. He brought me a snack to work earlier as well when I wasn’t going to have time to grab anything earlier in the day.