Snow Storms, Shovels, Snuggles, and Souffle

Renegade still digging his ball out of the snow
Well, a lot has happened since my last post. I was busy at first watching the house for my parents while they were out of town. My little sister was also away on a retreat so I was also watching her dog. I had my wonderful brother come help me out some and had Mallory come over and hang out as well to get some much needed Mal time in. I also got to have a great evening with a really awesome guy before picking my parents up from the airport the next day. Yes, I have found a guy that is doing a very good job of making me happy. We have been hanging out for awhile now and he has meet some of the most important people in my life.
Following picking up my parents, we had a lovely winter storm that covered us is snow and was accompanied by some major wind. While the snow came down during the night I took advantage of the time and curled up to read a fantastic book with Renegade snuggled up on my lap. We had to shovel for our two Doberman to be able to go out side the next morning. My boy insisted on attempting to play ball outside in the snow. We would laugh as the ball would get buried and he would frantically try to find it under the nearly two feet of snow. I spent all day helping to shovel out our drive and our neighbor’s as well. The roads were still being dug out days later in some areas.
After returning to work I got contacted for an emergency kitty cat grooming. The little guy had gotten stuck in a room of the house during the storm while his family was stuck at work for two days snowed in. It was his first real bath. He didn’t do too bad considering the shape he was in and how much he had just gone through with the storm. His daddy and I only suffered a few minor scratches.
Dessert night had to be rescheduled due to the storm. We chose not to have pie and instead meet up for ice cream at the end of the week. Yes, I know it sounds a bit odd to want ice cream after having been snowed in all week. Somethings just can’t be explained.
Saturday night I enjoyed some quite time snuggled up watching movies with someone special. I really had a great time and I am very happy with the way things are going. I really wouldn’t change a thing. Sunday, we met up with friends to watch the super bowl. I hate admitting that the better team won. I guess I will have to deal with hearing about those cheese heads for sometime now.
That brings us to today. I got up early for an appointment with every intention of returning to my warm cozy bed as soon as I got home. I was on my way home right away, but chose instead to stay up and actually get some things done. I spent most of the day running errands with my mom and talking about how things were going. It was really nice to have lunch with her and get to spend some quality time with her. I also helped my youngest sister study tonight as well. Taylor and I then chose to make our first ever chocolate souffle. It was a messy ordeal, but tasty. We will be making more again very soon. Definitely, a dessert to perfect.