
My Life Head On

I don’t want to be social

I’m not feeling very social today. I just don’t want to be around people. There are a few people I probably could handle in small doses, but all in all I just really don’t want to be around people. I have been brought to the point that I don’t want to get out of bed and start my day at all. Getting out of bed would mean acknowledging that the day has started and is progressing to tonight. I’m supposed to go to a party tonight. Not that it will be a wild out of control party or even that there will be a ton of people there. It’s a house warming party for a good friend of mine. It will be pretty laid back with people I am close to. People that have been there for me when it has counted. People that mean a lot to me. More than they probably know. It’s not that I don’t want to be around any of them. I really wouldn’t mind. It’s just the thought of being in a social situation that is so very unappealing to me. I feel so unhappy today. Not that I really feel upset, just not happy. I feel that if I’m around people I will just drag them down, infect them and bring them down.

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