
My Life Head On


I really don’t know what I would do without the amazing people in my life. Today I did one of the hardest things and they were there. The outpouring of love they have sent since last night has just been so comforting. I had to move Renegade from the ER to my hospital today. One of my girlfriends came with me. My truck was still at the ER so we drove together to get him. We snuggled him onto his bed and wrapped him in his blanket for the car ride.  As I carried him into our hospital my wonderful co-workers and friends came rushing to take him and wrap me in their arms. So many of them have known him so closely. A few have even known him as he grew up, others just over the last few years. So many of them with tears in their eyes. So many faces so near and yet so far away.

I was dragged to breakfast and forced myself to eat. I knew if I didn’t have someone there to remind me to eat, I wouldn’t do it. Steve made me eat dinner as well. As numb as I am right now I know they will keep me going on the outside.

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