Mallorie | January 24, 2011
I find myself facing some interesting choices. I don’t really have to make and decisions right away and I am glad about that. I am glad I can take my time to see what is being offered to me and what it will mean for my future. I am pretty sure I know where I want to […]
Category: Uncategorized, Work |
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Mallorie | January 21, 2011
Today was a rough day. Nothing about it was particularly bad, just a day I struggled with all along the way. I had a fairly restless night followed by having to go into work earlier than I had planned. I managed to grab myself a sinfully greasy burger and fries on my way to work […]
Category: Food, Healing, Relationships, Uncategorized, Work |
Mallorie | January 12, 2011
I am having a really hard time right now moving past some things in my life. I really like the path that I am on right now and where it seems to be taking me, even if I am not entirely sure of where that might be. I really like the people in my life, both new […]
Category: Relationships, Uncategorized, Work |
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Mallorie | January 7, 2011
I’m snuggled up in bed listening to music and trying to wined down from my day. I have had a fairly good day other than the fact that my allergies dealt me a rather rash blow today. I woke up with the entire left side of my face red and swollen in minors hives. I took […]
Category: Animals, Health, Ladies, Relationships, Uncategorized, Work |
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Mallorie | January 6, 2011
Today Mallory came to pick me up from work so we could go have pie. When she got there I had all ready gotten the store ready to close, but there was still a customer there with her daughter. We didn’t really mind though because we were having fun talking to them. We spent a […]
Category: Food, Ladies, Relationships, Uncategorized, Work |
Mallorie | January 5, 2011
I woke up today and just couldn’t seem to get much of anything together. I got ready for the day out of order and it really got me pretty flustered. I am noticing more and more lately how much I like to have certain parts of my life structured. I’m not one of those people […]
Category: Relationships, Uncategorized, Work |
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Mallorie | January 4, 2011
Today was one of those days that I was very afraid was going to turn into a horrible day. For all intensive purposes it very well could have been a very bad day. I woke up not feeling well and had a very hard time getting out of bed. I eventually made it to work […]
Category: Food, Relationships, Uncategorized, Work |
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Mallorie | December 23, 2010
Today was just so full of ignorant people it was unbelievable. Sometimes I wonder how people are able to survive on their own. I felt like I would have been better off just banging my head against the wall. Thank you to those of you who took the time to make my day a little […]
Category: Relationships, Uncategorized, Work |
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Mallorie | December 11, 2010
The store was really busy today up until about 3:30 when the weather turned a bit gross out. We decided to close up early and head home around 6. When I got home I found Joey and Taylor camped out in the dark watching Christmas movies by the fire. It was a cute cozy scene. […]
Category: Animals, Healing, Movies, Relationships, Uncategorized, Work |
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Mallorie | December 8, 2010
Had a very productive day at work today. Got in several orders we were waiting for, and still have several more to come. Christmas stuff is coming in as well. Got the bakery looking stocked and the store is really looking good. We have had some good traffic coming through the store too! It has […]
Category: Animals, Food, Uncategorized, Work |
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